Saturday, October 11, 2014

Never Give up

Dear Family and Friends,

We made it through the first quarter of school! Only 3 left! NOOOO!!!!! Time is slipping away, but God is so good. I would love to share with you some stories from this week. I've never seen God work so hard in someones life.

This has been the craziest, most rewarding, busiest week, for me, thus far! This story that I'm going to share is so powerful. It was obvious to see how hard the devil was working, but we know that God is much Mightier, so much stronger than any other. I will replace the students actual name, with the name "Roger".

Roger started off at a different school but transferred to SDA. When Roger first walked into my classroom, he had a huge smile and was super friendly. The weeks went on and he was happy to join us for vespers and church every week. It was something he looked forward to. One day, I randomly asked him, "Hey, what school did you come from?" He informed me that he had come from the Catholic school that wasn't too far away. Not to mention the fact that it's a pretty small island. Nothing is "very far" away! Anyway, I was curious as to know why he would leave that school after attending for quite sometime. He told me that he felt judged there. His fellow classmates weren't giving him the respect that he deserved and he got real sick of it. Roger decided that he would see what the SDA school was like. I asked, "So, you like it here?" He said, "Miss, this place is great. I don't feel like anyone is judging me and I feel like myself here." I was happy to hear that. Days past by and his attitude quickly changed. He went from being the student who loved to read my devotional book, sing songs, smile , and pray to a completely different person. I could feel darkness around him. Putting my arm around him, I asked, "Roger, are you doing ok? You know that I'm always here for you, right?" His reply was much different then I expected, "Yeah whatever, I'm fine." Roger stopped coming to church, stopped reading from the devotional book, and even stopped greeting me in the mornings. I started to become concerned/worried about him. What was happening? Finally, about two weeks went by and I thought to myself Wow what kind of teacher am I if I don't find out what's going on with Roger? Something had to change quickly. One day after school, he was sitting in my classroom and I said, "Hey, I'll come pick you up for vespers on Friday, ok?" Once again, I was puzzled by his response. "No, I don't want to go." At this point I didn't even know what to say but I figured this was the perfect opportunity to figure out what was happening to my student. "How come you don't want to come with us anymore?" I questioned. "I just don't believe in God anymore. He is not even real." he replied. That explained a lot. I was almost mad and annoyed that he would say something like that about God. Just two weeks ago, he was coming to church and learning a lot about God and all of a sudden, God's not real? We had about a 30 minute conversation and I gave him as much evidence as I could think of and real-life stories of how God was real. I told Roger that if God wasn't real, I wouldn't be here. Time was really limited because the bus was supposed to come at 3:30 and I was praying to God that I would say the right things with enough time. Well, for the first time ever, this year, (that I know of) the bus was late. It came at 3:45 and I had plenty of time to tell him what God needed him to hear. He didn't say much at all but the thirty minutes was quite emotional for him. He cried the entire time. Rogers face never changed though. He was crying as if it was really starting to make sense but he still looked so mad and depressed. I told him, "You know what, I would be miserable, lost, and depressed without God as well. There is absolutely no hope. But the only reason why I'm happy is because I have God right by my side. I'm letting Him lead my life and He's showing me what He wants me to do. How is it fair to God if you don't give him a chance? You have no reason not to believe in God. You are letting the devil tell you lies and twist the truth. Can you pray to God and ask Him to become Someone real?" He shrugged his shoulders and I felt like the conversation was getting nowhere. After my 30 minute lecture/sermon, I asked if I could pray with him before he left. Of course he said "no" but I asked calmly once more and he agreed. After the prayer, I looked at him and the darkness was gone. Tears were running down the sides of his face and he went on his way. The next day was thursday (1st quarter exam day) and after his test he came and sat by my desk grabbing my devotional book. Granted I did act as though I didn't realize that he took the book. I sat there praying for him as he read it. His attitude was still the same. I wanted to give up so bad. His attitude was completely bringing me down. After all this prayer and all the tears (on my behalf and his), Roger was still the same. Thursday came and went. Friday was a new day and God was wondering why I wasn't trusting in Him. Things don't always happen over night. He needed me to still care for this student (Spiritually). After all, why was I giving up? I'm here to tell these kids about God and I'm just going to let the situation go? Friday morning comes along and Roger comes straight to my desk. Sitting next to me, he pulls open the devotional book, again! "Hey, we will pick you up tonight for vespers?" I'm sure you could guess his reply. "No thanks." Well, God told me not to give up so I was going to be a little more persistent. "Well, I really want you to come. Can you please join us?" "Okay, fine. I'll be ready." he said. At that moment I thought, God, thank you for pleading with me. Thank you for reminding me that it's not about me. Now it's 6:30pm and we are picking up Roger for vespers. He jumps in the car with the biggest smile ever. I couldn't believe my eyes. We get to church and he sits next to me and says, "So.... Miss, I've been thinking a lot." I said, "Oh yea? What have you been thinking?" He says, "Well, I really want to give God a second chance. I want to come back to church and I want to change my attitude." As you can imagine, tears have now conquered my eyes and I'm trying to keep it together. Right before our "small group" prayer before vespers started, he told me that he felt as though he was possessed. The topic by Amazing Facts was just what he needed to hear. His prayer was the most sincere prayer I've ever heard. He was apologizing to God for not giving Him a fair chance and asking Him to forgive those thoughts and his attitude. Roger also thanked God for bringing me here so I could encourage him to come to church and change himself. I'm honored to report that Roger is doing great and he is on the right track. I ask for special prayers. Not just for him, but for all the students. The devil is trying so hard but we will NOT give up.

Friday afternoon was quite eventful. I was dealing with a bit of a situation. One of my students was quite mad and decided to skip two of his classes (not my class by the way!). After looking everywhere, he finally showed up and we had a nice chat. Well by "nice chat" it was more like me doing all the talking and telling him that behavior like that is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Let's just say that he got the point pretty quick. Poor kid was really sorry and apologetic about the way he went about things. We talked about it on the phone Friday after vespers and took care of everything. We agreed that it was done with and there was no need to bring it up at church or school. Anyway, he called me after church (after dropping him off at home). We were talking for a couple minutes and then I asked, "Wait, did you just call to say hi?" His response was so sweet, "Well, I'm really bored at home and knew that you would take the time to talk to me." We ended up talking for a long time about his life before he became SDA and he begged me to come back next year! I told him that a decision like that is completely up to God. We are praying about it :)

I hope you know that if God can use someone like me, He sure can use someone like you! Also, we should never give up on someone when it has to do with God. We have to have faith that He will work all this out according to His will.

Thank you again for the continued support and prayers. God is good.

With much love,


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Blessings upon blessings . . .

Every morning while doing devotions I keep asking God, "Why are You so good to me? I just don't understand it. I feel like I say it all the time but it's something that I can't entirely describe. How selfish to think that school was way more important than taking a year off to be a missionary. I'm so glad that I listened to God's calling. He REALLY knows what's best for me. It's easy to say but something completely different when you actually experience it. Wow, God you are AWESOME!

This past week was "Week of Prayer" and the students enjoyed it. I was honored to speak to them and tell them my entire story. I was blessed to have students come up to me and say things such as "wow, God can really do that for me too?" "I'm so glad God called you here." "I'm inspired, God can do great things." etc . . . We had lots of laughs as well! Overall, Week of Pray was a blessing. 

Teaching is still going really good. I haven't gotten sick of it yet. Can you believe it? ;) How could I ever get sick of hanging out with these kids. I just have to say that when I have 8, 9, or how ever many students in my classroom after school, we have such a great time. We get lots of work done and are really getting to know each other super well. 

We also had testing this week. I'm talking about those standardized tests. It was so weird to be on the other end for once. Reading all those repetitive directions for each test . . .! It was pretty fun though. I talked with a lot of enthusiasm, for once, so the kids would listen well and not get bored of my voice! I was told that I sounded like a flight attendant. Regardless of what I sounded like, the kids where angels. I was so proud of them so I baked them a cake for tomorrow. Just a small surprise "thank you" for the excellent behavior.

I was especially blessed by one of my students this week who came up to me and said, "Thank you so much for being my homeroom teacher. I know you care a lot and you're helping me become a good kid." Wow that comment took me back for a second. One of my little trouble makers has seen THE LIGHT!!! Here's another good story to share. I had a student in detention with me this Friday and usually I have them sweep and mop my classroom but I decided that cleaning can be kind of fun sometimes. Since when is detention fun? I thought sitting in silence, listening to me lecture about how his behavior needs to change, and writing me a four page paper would be a better punishment. So he's sitting there and I had a lot to say but I started off by saying, "Listen, I need to tell you something before I tell you something else. You need know that I love you, as a student, and care for you a lot. There's nothing that you can do to make me appreciate/love you more Sometimes it might be hard for you to see that since I have to discipline you quite often." Immediately tears ran down his face. It was shocking. It's like he never knew that someone cared so much for him. I continued by saying, "If I don't discipline you and if there were no consequences, I would be a terrible teacher. That would mean that I don't care if you are unsuccessful or disrespectful. I believe that you can completely change.  I know you can get good grades and YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL in my classroom. " I proceeded to tell him that I even moved him from the front row of the classroom because I believe he can behave himself. (He HATES sitting in the front!) With tear filled eyes he replied, "No one has ever believed in me like that. I promise I will try my best and we are going to have a better week." Well, I didn't make him write me a paper and we just had a great heart-to-heart conversation. These kids just need someone to love them and believe in them. 

Saturday was great. Sabbaths in Yap are always awesome but we had communion and two of my students really wanted to participate but they had never done it before. They understood what everything signified and meant but I was so blessed to participate in foot washing with them. They thought it was so wonderful! Students are seeing Jesus. He is becoming so real to them. I also love watching my kids participate in church and help lead out in Sabbath school. 

The bible verse that reads, "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' " Acts 20:35 is so true. I'm constantly blessed beyond words.

God is so good. Praying for everyone back home. 

Until next time, 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Time is flying

I can't believe how fast the time is flying by. I'm officially in love with this place. This is my home. I wish I could stay here for many more years. I don't even want to think of the day when I have to leave. It brings joy to my heart knowing that one day we will be able to spend eternity together.

The opportunities to witness are never ending. We are starting another Bible study on Monday nights. We will have two Bible studies happening at the same time. I have to admit that I almost cried yesterday (Monday) when two of our students led out in the Bible study. The lady is from the outer islands of Yap and doesn't speak good English so the boys agreed to take over! They've been doing it every week (in their language) and she is so blessed by the word of God.

There's an interesting story about that Bible study. We were asked to change the light bulb so as I was screwing in the new bulb, I didn't realize that the electricity was still on and the bulb burst in my hand and I definitely felt the electricity. Don't worry, my parents obviously taught me well enough to know that you always make sure the switch is off when changing a bulb but I was there with other people and I thought it was a group effort. AKA I thought they would turn the switch off! Haha that was an interesting experience.

It seems as though Sarah and I are with our kids ALL day. Literally all day but we love it. I wouldn't want it any other way. We both agreed that we would do anything for them. I mean, this is a once in a life time experience. No time for scuba diving, movies, and nonsense.

Friday was crazy. We had a "Freshman Welcome Party" and demolished the freshman with water balloons. We pretended that we needed a class photo on the stairs of the library and the rest of the high school was hiding under the stairs and around the building and creamed them! The freshman were good sports about it! I thought the water fight would die down after that but it only got worse. We all ate food together and I got ice water dumped on me about 15 times throughout the rest of the afternoon. Every time they got me with water, they would say "Welcome to Yap Miss Gomez"! Well, one of the Juniors got me at least 5 times so I grabbed a gallon of cold kool-aid and nailed him, got two pieces of chocolate cake and got him right in the face, and last but not least I cracked an egg on him. It was so fun. These kids put frosting all over my face and egged me about 10 times. At least it was hot outside and we all got to enjoy the afternoon.

I was just watching a video of my house (in Michigan) and it left me in tears. I knew that it would be hard for me to see home again and get adjusted back to "life" after the year but the fact that majority of my kids don't even have a door on their home breaks my heart. I'm so used to living here and it's amazing how inviting the students are even though they don't have much. Some don't even have a mattress . . . I am so thankful to God for things that He has provided me with.

If you ever wonder, "does she see Jesus right through her students?" I sure do. Last week Friday, I'm kneeling next to the desk of a student and ask, "hey would you like to come with us to church on Saturday?" He shrugged his shoulders and I could tell he didn't want to talk about it. I said, "It's okay. Just let me know when you want to come and we will pick you up." (By the way, we pick up all our students every week. We've got a few big vans with benches and one crew that picks kids up on one side of the island and the other group goes to the other side.) Immediately he was silent and his head hung. With tears flowing down his face, I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Miss I can't believe I'm crying. I don't want to make excuses for church anymore. I want to keep God first but my mom doesn't believe what I believe. She's looking for a faith and I'm telling her that I found it. I found God but she doesn't want to accept it." How can that not touch your heart? These kids are learning so much about God and they are trying to share it with their families. Thankfully, Sarah and I called his mom and she was happy to let him join us at church. Nothing makes me happier than to see my kids at church and involved in Sabbath School. God is good.

The crazy thing is that my students don't even know that they are missionaries to me. Their beautiful notes, hugs, smiles, laughs, jokes, etc. are the things that get me through each day. I can't imagine the joy that we will feel in Heaven.

I never thought I'd be a teacher, a preacher, or one to take off a whole year of school. Once I told God that I was done trying to run my own life and make my own plans, He had other plans for me. I told Him, "Lord if you want me to do something, I need you to literally hit me in the head with a ton of bricks. I don't work well with little hints." He made it so clear to me. I was kind of nervous to come here and teach kids that aren't much younger than I am but God told me, "This is what happens when I control your life. I know what you need. I have a perfect plan for you." God knew exactly what He was doing. I can only thank God for these blessings. Talk about blessings over flowing!!! WOW!

Again, I thank you for taking time to read these posts,  for all the prayers, and support. Never doubt the power of God. We are seeing Him work in mighty ways, here.

Love to all,

Ivana Gomez

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September Already?!

The days are flying and the adventures get better and better. I can't believe I've been gone from home for a month now. The experience, thus far, is something I never quite imagined. It's worth every second. Looking back, seeing my friends embarking on yet another year of college saddens me sometimes. Wow, I wish I could be enjoying the year with my friends, but then I'm constantly reminded that God chose ME to come here. Why should I be thinking about what my year would be like if I was home? This experience is far greater than anything else I could be doing back at home. This is a once in a life-time deal. When I stop and think about it, I know that I would not want to have it any other way. It's crazy to think that I've completely put my life on pause (back in the States). My students don't quite understand it. "Miss, you left everything?" I love when they ask me that question. "Yes, I left it all just to spend this year with you and teach you as much as I can. Can you believe that God calls people to go across the planet?"

It's been three Sabbaths, here, and I've specifically been trying to get a particular student to come to church with me every week. First Sabbath he said, "I will try." Second Sabbath I told him that he HAS to come and we will give him a ride. He wasn't able to make it because his step-dad said no. Third Sabbath, I called his step-dad (yes, I was nervous) and asked him if my student could come and he said YES! Right after he said "yes"  (he was a man of VERY few words) he hung up so fast (super awkward). So one of the church members went to pick up my student and said, "Hey, are you ready to go?" My student says, "I don't think I can, my step-dad didn't say anything last night after the phone call." Not seeing him at church and hearing the story was so disappointing. I tried so hard. I even called his step-dad and that was really hard for me. Monday rolls around and he comes up to me with a panicked look. "Miss, it's okay if you never like me again." "What are you talking about?" (I knew what he was talking about ;)] "I know I didn't come on Saturday but I promise, I really wanted too." I said, "It's okay. I really missed seeing you there but it's going to happen this Sabbath. I know it will. You're step-dad told me that it was OK." He had no idea that his step-dad gave permission for him to come to church with us and that's why he didn't accept the ride. "Miss, you're not going to give up on me?" I replied, "See, I've felt like that before. There have been so many times where I feel like God should just give up on me, but I'm so glad He didn't because I wouldn't be here if He did. If God keeps trying and trying, why shouldn't I? As long as I'm here (in Yap) I will do everything I can to get you to church every Sabbath." With a relieved and loving look on his face he replied, "Wow, that's amazing. I promise I'll be there." What's even better is that we have about 12 students that want to come to church this Sabbath. There's nothing that makes me happier. Praise God. I'm so excited!!

With good always comes the bad. I had to give out my first detention last week and that was surprisingly really hard for me to do. I tried giving so many warnings but at a certain point, you have to discipline them so they can learn from their mistakes. One student was being so disruptive and was asked to be quiet about 4 times. Finally, I gave an infraction (slip that the student signs recognizing his/her misbehavior) and said, "Next time, It's a detention." Of course next time came or the story would be non existent ;) Detention was held last Friday and we had a good twenty minute talk about the misbehavior and things we can do (the student and I) to avoid future detentions. Comes out, he wants to be a good kid but he's kind of the class clown. What's a class clown if they aren't hilarious and disruptive? Anyway, he helped me sweep and mop my classroom and things have gotten a lot better. I've seen so much improvement in all of my students, whether it's academically or behavior wise.

Don't you love those heart-to-heart conversations? This happened yesterday (Monday). Talking to one of my students during PE, he informed me that he got expelled from the public school and that's how he ended up here(at the SDA school). "Oh wow, so how did that happen?" "I get really angry sometimes and I fight a lot of people." What do you even say to that? I giggled and said, "Well, I don't understand how beating someone up solves problems. Can you explain that?" He laughed and said, "Miss, I know it doesn't solve problems. I just got mad." "Ah, I see. So how do you feel about coming to this school?" His answer was mind boggling. "I couldn't believe it. Everyone was so nice. I never knew people really acted this way. When I first got here, I didn't know anyone. Skyler (not really the students name) came up to me, welcomed me, and told me that he would take me to my first class. Now we are best friends. I love it here. I'm learning how to have a better attitude and better sportsmanship." The fact that other people see a difference in us is completely God. I'm so glad that the Holy Spirit is here on this campus.

I wish that I could give my students everything that I have back home. In reality, their happier with less. I'm completely adjusted to living with very little. It's so awesome. You see so many more blessings all around you and you have more time to spend with people that matter and people need you. God is crazy amazing and I'm honored to be His child. Everyone is called, few are chosen.

Last but not least. Driving a manual van with the steering wheel on the opposite side was sweet. Not when we found a cockroach next to our feet, but It's actually way better than driving in the States. I love it :) I think the girls enjoyed my epic/crazy; YET safe driving ;)

Continued prayers are always welcomed and appreciated. Keep praying for these kids. They are seeing God more and more each day. I ask that God would reveal Himself to each and every student in a way that He has never done before. May God bless you all in the States.

Until next time,
Ivana Gomez

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Students, students, students!

Wow! I'm officially a teacher. I can't believe it! Do I love it? Absolutely! My students and I are having such an awesome time.

I wouldn't say that I was nervous for Day 1 of teaching, but it was really weird standing up in front of a class to teach for the first . . . umm 10 seconds! It was so amazing. I can't believe how much I'm enjoying it. Talk about loving your job, THIS IS IT! Of course lesson planning is annoying and grading countless papers everyday is a pain, but I love doing it because my students are awesome. I feel so incredibly blessed to be loved by them already. It's a mutual feeling!!

Third day of class, I had my Biology students write down "how they've seen God work in their life" for bell work. Just a quick tidbit on bell work, best way to ALWAYS have your kids come in the classroom quietly (the way it should be) having something to do. Back to the story. I felt like it would only be right to share how God has worked in my life since they were telling me how He's worked in theirs. I started telling them a little bit of my past as a student and what helped me to become successful, in school, and how I completely gave everything to God and told Him to show me what He wanted me to do, which led me to Yap. (Yes I just shortened the story so much, sorry.) I told them, "I can clearly see why God wants me here. He wanted me to come to teach and to love you guys and that's so easy for me to do with each of you. Then one of my boys raised his hand and said, "Miss, please stop! You're making me cry." I said, "I can honestly say that I love you guys and I have no idea how I'm going to say goodbye at the end of the school year." (Almost tearing up, of course) He says again, "Seriously Miss, I'm crying now. We love you so much." I had to let them know how blessed I feel to have them as my students. When I was in high school, I always had an attitude towards the "new teachers". I can't imagine what my experience would be like if they treated me that way. (Sorry to any "new teachers" that had to deal with my attitude.)

Friday afternoon I'm about to start algebra class. Everyone is sitting down and I walk over to my desk to retrieve my book. One of my students comes up to me and whispers really quietly, "Miss, I am so sorry that I don't have an apple (apples are SUPER expensive here) but I need you to pretend that you're going to high-five me."At this point I'm super confused, but trust him and pretend to high-five him. He puts in my hand two chocolate bars and says, "Don't tell anyone because I didn't bring any for anyone else." What a sweetheart, right?

A student that I invited to church comes into my classroom during lunch and says, "I really don't want you guys to waste gas on me to pick me up for church." I replied, "Are you kidding me? That is NOT wasting any fuel. I will pick you up and we will sit together at church. I want you to be there." "But Miss, I don't like when people do other things for me. I want to be able to do things for myself. I can't accept a ride." I said, "Look at it this way, God called me here to do everything and anything for you guys. That's what I'm doing right now. I have no other priorities besides my students (and God). So you can go tell God that you want Him to stop me from loving you guys." Finally he says, "Okay Miss, I really want to be there. I will accept the ride." It's so important for the kids to know that we love them so much and we would do anything for them but not because of who we are but because of who God is, in us.

Students from day 1 of my PE classes where so shocked to see that I was going to play some ball with them. We have been enjoying our time in this heat. It's still burning hot and we are constantly sweating, but I have to say that I think I'm pretty used to it.

Last one, I promise!! I gave out a Biology quiz on Friday and every single one of my students got an A. I was so proud of them. They have so much potential. I just want them to understand the abilities they have! These kids absorb things like a sponge. I couldn't ask for a better group of high-schoolers.

A huge thank-you to everyone for all the prayers, love, and support. It really means a lot. Just wanted to share SOME stories with you. Of course there are many more, but these were some of my favorites. I hope you enjoyed them.

To all my friends going back to college, good luck :) I am praying for you. Make this a great year. Be successful and always try your best. Let go and let God.

God bless you all.

Until we meet again,


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Living in a New Home

I can't believe it has almost been an entire week in Yap. A lot has happened so let me take you along the journey: We arrived Saturday night (skipped a day jumping 20 hours ahead) only to be greeted by wonderful church members and students at the airport. We were greeted with leis for the head and around your neck. They were the coolest things I had ever seen. Grass woven and flowers all over. It was a great gift.

Let me just say that the airport was a lot different then the airports back at home. We walked off the plane onto the very short run-way and went through customs. I didn't even know where to gather my luggage. They kind of just set it out there for you to grab. The airport is nothing but a cement roof with walls. It was quite interesting. Anyway, we loaded the vans, leaving my luggage on the side-walk amongst other luggage, hoping they would make it home somehow. Indeed they did. Phew, that was a relief.

We walked into our apartment only to find cockroaches. I've never seen such huge roaches before. You might even confuse one for a bird. Just hearing that crunch as you smack down your sandal killing it, is so nasty. I would like to take a moment and thank the people who invented "Raid". That stuff works wonders.

On to more exciting things, we went into town and got some groceries on Sunday and looked around at our classrooms. I spent a lot of time cleaning my room, getting books, organizing, lesson planning, etc. It's really interesting that in Yap, we take off our shoes before entering anywhere. Even some stores operate that way. It's very different walking into your classroom without shoes on, even church!

The humidity is crazy. Sweating every minute and every hour of the day is just plain normal. I'm just used to it now. It's so nice to not have to worry about "saving hot water" for the next person to shower. There's no such thing as "hot water"! Freezing in the morning and refreshing at night.

After school, I offer tutoring on the days that we don't have prayer meeting, pathfinders, and staff meeting. We are pretty involved here which is a huge blessing!

I'm very excited for each of my students to be successful. What's better than seeing your students succeed? I don't want them to go home each night and only remember learning about academics but also learning about Jesus. There are so many ways to show who Jesus is through teaching and having fun!

The island is beautiful. Green everywhere! There are so many coconuts trees, everywhere. Good thing that I love rice because that's pretty much all we eat here.

My colleagues are wonderful as well. It's great working with an amazing team. We all have different jobs but the same goal (to show the love of Jesus). I know that I'm not a certified teacher but I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. I have no other option but to fully rely on God and that's what makes the experience even so much better.

Thank you for all the prayers as we begin school and continue to work here. Remember that showing Christ's love is so easy. Make people wonder why you're different and why you're happy.

God bless,
Ivana Gomez

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Meetings in Hawaii

Dear friends and family,

It's been quite the adventure thus far. I do understand that this is nothing compared to our adventures in Yap. This morning, at 5:30 am, we hiked up Diamond Head. It was so beautiful. I have not fully adjusted to the time change, but who cares because we are about to have a twenty hour difference from Hawaii.

Tonight we went shopping at Walmart and the place was packed with humans. Yes, we even saw "walmartians". I couldn't believe my eyes. People were grabbing items off the shelf left and right! We have two tropical storms coming, so everyone is getting food, laundry detergent, water, and anything else you can think of. We are praying that we can leave here on time.

We haven't done much more than sit in meetings all day. Don't worry, they are quite helpful. Not to mention the fact that i've been sleeping through most of them! Tell me why I chose to sit in the front row on day two when I was still exhausted? Oh well!

The group going to Yap is so awesome. We can't wait to get there and start this adventure. I found out that I will be teaching Math and Science for High School. Yay!! I'm actually excited about that. I'm so excited to have students. Although I'm completely responsible for their knowledge, I know that I will be entirely unsuccessful without God by my side. We are going to make an awesome team. It makes me so happy to know that God will use me to teach these kids in an educational aspect and teach them who God is. I can't believe that I'm blessed with this opportunity.

I will try to blog as often as possible. Maybe once a week or so. Ah, maybe once a month (joking). Prayers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

P.S. I miss you Mom, Dad, Omar, and Austin <3

